
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Writer's Group

Anyone interested in a virtual writer's group? Every Monday evening, we will meet on line and talk about what each of us wants to do the following week and what we accomplished the previous week. If we didn't get done what we wanted to, why not? What was the obstacle? Was the obstacle preventable, correctable, will it be there next week? Is it a self-imposed obstacle or an external one?

There should be no guilt or bad feelings about not having gotten something done. For me, last week, for example, I can say that I didn't get written what I wanted. The obstacles were partly logistical and partly emotional. One problem was that I didn't define very clearly what I wanted to get done. I don't feel particularly bad that I didn't write as much. Rather, the information I have about why I didn't will help me for the next week.


  1. Can junior faculty members (like me) apply?

  2. It's for anyone, grad students, professors, anyone who wants to write something even if they are not academics.

  3. Great. I'm glad you're interested. I'll need at least three people aside from myself, I think, but no more than six or seven.

  4. Should I place this announcement on my blog, too?

  5. Let's wait a few days and see. Your blog is monumentally popular and I don't want to be deluged.

  6. Oh, thank you for "monumentally popular." :-)

    I surely know how to anger people. :-) :-)

  7. I'm trying to get pieces of my dissertation finished while teaching classes in this 3rd quarter (April-June) and then the 1st summer session (June & July). I'd definitely be interested in some friendly peer pressure and collegial task accountability!

  8. You're in McConeghy. Now I need one or two more people.

  9. Great. I think I have five including myself, so we will start Monday. Look for a post here on Monday with very precise instructions.

  10. If there is room for one more, I'm very interested. (This is Franklin Bruno; I've commented at Bemsha off and on over the years. I'm doing some scholarly writing and some journalistic criticism.)

  11. Certainly, Franklin. We will start tomorrow. Look out for the post.
