
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Coffee pot

1. Design a surrealist coffee pot. The first rule is that it must make coffee. The second rule is that it cannot have decorative or representational elements. No fantastical birds or plants. Its surrealism must be in the actual design.


  1. This is a challenging assignment and very good. I did not do it but I checked to see if anyone else had. There are attempts but I don't think they follow instructions closely enough. I did find this, and laughed:

  2. Yes. That's just a visual joke on a pre-existing model. I was thinking more of a unique system of heating the water, perhaps in the sun under a magnifying glass on the roof, with a pipe leading into the house. One would open a tap allowing the hot water to enter into a bowler hat type object filled with coffee grounds...

  3. Yes, I was looking like for something like that, sure it would already exist, but everything was regular coffee pots with surrealist decorations.
