
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Design your perfect day

Ok.  The Nobel committee calls you.  You've won!

Seriously, I'm asking that you design the perfect day that's actually realistic, while you're teaching and ordinary life is going on.  How would you design it?

8:30: Wake up.  Make bed.  Shower, s***, shave.
9: Pie at favorite diner.
9:30: Blogging and working.
11:30: Meditation.
12:30: Lunch.
1-3:30: practice piano.
3:45-4:30: piano lesson.
Free time. Listen to music.
7: Dinner with girlfriend, watch Netflix, etc...

The point is, you can design many days like that.  Not all, but at least a few a month.


  1. All right, here is my exercise this week.

    What do I *actually* prioritize? In no particular order:
    - the fixer-upper house. I don't like this but it is the one distasteful thing I procrastinate on as little as I can afford, because the consequence of not doing it is, the house falls apart.
    - interesting / fun conversation
    - one-on-one-type teaching: student research projects, individual study, this type of thing
    - activism, organizing, event organizing
    - strategic planning / program design and execution thereof

    Why? Are these in fact my favorite things, actual priorities?
    - It is hard to tell, but they are in fact the things that seem most meaningful in my context, and I am a person affected by contexts.

    What is my ideal day? Well one is:
    - I am in Mexico City, in a studio-type apartment, in a collective where we share a maid, Internet service, and a handyman but live independently of each other. I own nothing but some decorations and books
    - I get up and go to a café where I read the paper
    - I continue on to a library where I do research and writing
    - I have lunch late in a good comida corrida place
    - I take a long walk and explore some neighborhood, perhaps go to a gallery or something like that, or a bookstore
    - I go home and drop my things off
    - I go out to a film or concert, or to the theatre, or have a drink with friends, or to a lecture, or to some cultural center
    - I go home and read literature

    Note the difference.

  2. Now: what do the two very different days, and sets of priorities, have in common? This would be key.
