
Sunday, October 14, 2018


In recent dreams I have been explaining things to graduate students, giving very concrete feedback: once on a presentation, another time on a paper. These are not dream-like dreams, since I would give the exact same feedback during my waking hours, and the advice is specific and realistic.  I am taking my work to bed with me.    


  1. I do NOT understand why I so rarely remember dreams now. There is something wrong with that, I feel, yet I do not know what, don't know what I'm doing wrong, exactly.

  2. It has to do with sleep cycles. I tend to wake up early then fall asleep again and then dream. For some reason I am in a cycle where I remember, and am habituated to remembering them and taking note.

  3. Yes, I have the vivid, creative dreams after daybreak, or after the sun is up, usually. Right before I was going to get up anyway. It takes a lot to have a vivid dream in the middle of the night and remember it, although sometimes I will and then only remember it later in the day. I think I am hiding from my dreams ... I must be having them.
