
Thursday, October 15, 2020


 There was an old woman a in prison cell. I wanted to help her so when she left I unplugged an old bathtub that was in there, that was clogged by a kind of tea bag. It sounds gross but in the dream I was matter of fact about it, with no feelings of repulsion. I didn't have cleaning supplies to clean the tub once the water had drained. 

She had a song that she sang in Yiddish, but with an Italian word: "soldi, soldi, you are nobody without soldi" [money]. I was studying the text of the song and trying to decipher its language, that seemed like English with Yiddish words added.   

There was a prison guard, and someone I was with began hectoring the guard about the maltreatment of this prisoner. The guard dismissed our concerns by saying that she was lucky to have a cell next to these other inmates, perhaps richer than her. It seemed as though this guard, a very handsome young man with dark hair, was a "double agent." Somehow, I thought that my companion should ease up on the guard a bit, given the guard's possible double loyalties. 


  1. Your best dream yet, influenced by the novels, but still, wild: the woman, the guard, your friend, you, the others who might be richer, unblocking pooled water.

  2. Yes, it is very dense one and a bit disturbing.

  3. I just taught Así que pasen cinco anyos and now we are in El público, so this one is just for me, not that I understand it.

    Self as prison or self imprisoned, or selves inside body.

    The guard (you, guarding, repressing, gatekeeping, controlling) who may or may not be friendly, your friend (another aspect of you) who cannot see that guard may be friendly, the old imprisoned woman who is being mistreated (a part of you that the guard part of you may be mistreating). The other prisoners who are richer, your luck in being next to them although not having all that they do.

    The water, stagnant, que no desemboca, blocked in: blocked creativity, I think; you manage to get the stagnant water to leave although you're not yet sure how to clear out your head.

    I wish I would remember more dreams, I used to all the time, right now I have dreamed twice that I know of about a little dog for whose teeth I am caring. I have never had a dog and am not really drawn to small ones.

  4. A big emphasis on our zen school is helping the world. I felt I was being helpful by cleaning out the bathtub: you see clearly what has to be done and do it. Then the world soldi come from Elena Ferrante's novels, where economic interests are always present. In the dream the other prisoners belonged to a family of wealthier people in the same neighborhood where her novels take place. Once you are asleep the boundaries between these space of the imagination don't exist any more.

  5. I dreamed my father (living) called me to say he could no longer read (a disaster). I felt he was shrinking and moving away, and that soon a grain of dust would be calling me from further out in the desert to say it was now only a speck.
