
Friday, October 9, 2020

What to Listen For in Music

 I read a book with this title by Aaron Copland. Some of it is unexciting. I like the title, but often we don't get insight that is special in any way / different from what some other competent lecturer would provide. Maybe that would be expecting too much. The chapter one writing music for film gave me the most new information, and I will have to go back to the chapters on various musical forms and listen to the examples that he gives. He is very good on the fugue, and I will have to go back to that. I like how he divides modern music in to easy / hard / medium hard categories.    

What he is most interested in is the development of the capacity to follow longer musical structures, or "la grande ligne." I also liked the idea of "wheels within wheels," on other words, the structure of smaller parts following the same structural principals as larger parts, and of the work as a whole. 

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