
Friday, November 4, 2022


 I read in the New Republic that Bob Dylan is not an "author." But he is an author of a memoir, and of what the journal describes as a very bad book of poetry. When I click on the link, it gives me the cover of a book called Tarantula, which is not a book of poetry at all but a novel (bad or good is another question!).  We can debate the literary merits of Dylan's songs all day, but surely the critic disqualifies himself by using the words author and book of poetry. If he can't even get that right, then how do we trust his judgments?


  1. Does it say songwriters aren't authors?

  2. "The decision to award the Nobel to Bob Dylan—who you might recall is a songwriter and musician and not an author (though he has written one very good memoir, one atrociously bad book of poetry, and one forthcoming discourse on The Eagles’ “Witchy Woman” and 65 other songs)—kicked off what could be described as the Nobel Prize’s chaos era. "
