
Tuesday, December 5, 2023


 I get in the doldrums once in a while. I recently snapped out of it with a sudden realization.  I have been struggling for years with something I call "self-acceptance." How can I achieve that?  It seems impossible.  Today, in the dentist's chair, of all places, I realized that I could not achieve this, ever, because the goal is badly formulated. I don't need to accept myself, but rather turn my attention away from myself to other people.  The focus on the self is itself the problem. 

This does not resolve anything; the same struggle for self-acceptance will persist, I'm sure. But this realization takes the pressure off.  Whether I decide I am good enough is simply not that important an issue. Nothing is really at stake any more, if I can simply find a way to remember this insight and put it to work for myself--and for others.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I am trying to assimilate a lesson I just learned about this. Did not receive galleys, or so I thought. Thought they must not have received contract. Or I must have screwed up, it would be me. Reality: piece was out, but in earlier issue than I expected. Duh
