
Friday, December 22, 2023

 The 111 word technique has multiple possibilities. It can be a productivity or creativity technique. I can try to write paragraphs as different from one another as possible, or settle into a comfortable routine. They can be prose poems or random reflections that don’t rise to that “poetic” level. I was thinking about variability while hearing some Monk in my car, in fact a version of “Bemsha Swing” with Sonny Rollins. Not only is the music improvised, but each hearing of the music is different, whether it is because it is a different listener, or me myself at a different moment, noticing drums, bass, piano, or shifting layers of these combinations.

1 comment:

  1. One feature of the course that always comes up: at some point in the term, most of the students begin to theorize about the 111-word technique. Some of them might be surprised when I point this out, because their language is not at all “theoretical”, but they begin to reflect on how the form works and what it offers.
