
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Scratching my head

 This is the strangest statement I've read this year:

"What makes me uncomfortable about this situation was how so many people, under the guise of being 'objective,' did feel the need to invest their time in the name of establishing some kind of truth in the situation." It's on Andrew Gelman's blog, but in a post by another contributor.  


  1. Oh, I understand it. All this scrutiny but, for example, male scholars who aren't university presidents (a business, not an academic role, that's the provost) but full professors, publish as their own things written by their RAs and so on. And apparently so many Harvard people paraphrase without fully citing that there's a procedure to get things corrected when an issue is found. This being the panorama, it does look like singling out

  2. Also on this, interesting NYT op-ed on the congressional hearings

  3. And from a different point of view (this one is funny):
