
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Dream of Incompetence / Dream of lachrymose song

 I was trying to use an electric coffee maker and couldn't figure out where to pour the water. I poured cold water from the sink directly into the filter holder with coffee already in it. A typical dream of anxiety over competence.

Later, I was in a song-writer's workshop. Nobody knew I was there and so it was kind of a clandestine thing. I was lying in a sleeping bag on the floor and heard someone's song. I used the word "lachrymose" to myself. I sat up and applauded, even though I had found the song not particularly compelling. We were later sitting around, and someone asked me what wine I wanted. I got a glass of red wine filled almost to the top. 

A guy named Ted or Teddy was there, that we didn't like (me and unidentified woman with whom I was somehow in league. Teddy was there just to stalk us, so when he passed out we put him out on the deck. Then there was some weird seance sort of thing... We were worried about whether Teddy had harmed someone but a spirit told us that this person would live until 108 years old.

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