I am watching these jazz videos while I do other work. Black and white footage of the musicians all wearing suits in the 1950s looks good. Colored footage of the early 80s, with musicians wearing casual clothes in mismatched colors and long hair (on men) looks very dated. Something much older still looks stylish, whereas the late 70s early 80s style looks horrific (to my eyes). This is really the nadir of men's fashion. My own admittedly biased value judgements aside, the paradox here is that something more recent can seem more "dated." Perhaps the effort to appear more contemporary backfires, because that contemporary style is more ephemeral?
I'm watching one now with Gerry Mulligan and Dave Brubeck with Paul Desmond. Brubeck has these bellbottom plaid pants and a green shirt with a weird collar. His brown belt is worn high above his hips, old man style. Paul Desmond at least has a suit on, though I don't care for his orange tie. The drummer has a bright red shirt and purplish pants.
The music, of course, is great.
[UPDATE: It is actually from 1971. I was way off.] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcMPxonimUo
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