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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Friday, February 2, 2018

Books for my project.  A book on "Samuel Becket and Music." It's kind of a miscellany.  Of course I love it that Morton Feldman wrote a Beckett opera. Nothing very useful methodologically for my project, except a reference to a Lorca piece I didn't know about!

Another one on Celan. Written by a single author (a Swede) rather than an edited collection, which is good. A good precedent for my project, though Celan is mostly set to music in Europe, it would seem. No discussion of vernacular traditions in music. A book on Lorca and music would be much richer in its raw materials.  

There is a book on Walt Whitman and modern music I haven't looked at yet, edited by L. Kramer, no surprise. What I'm looking for has a very precise library of congress subject heading:

Last name, first name of poet--musical settings--criticism and history.  I have to guess what poets or authors have a lot of musical settings, then search for them one by one. Another possible syntax is 'poet's name--knowledge--music.'  I'm not studying Lorca's knowledge of music, though.  


Leslie B. said...

I just ran across this, while looking for something completely different.

Flamenco Tradition in the Works of Federico Garcia Lorca and Carlos Saura: The Wounded Throat (Spanish Studies) by Rob Stone (2004-08-31) Edwin Mellen

Jonathan said...

Very good, thanks.