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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Thursday, January 10, 2019

A Dream

I was at a huge thanksgiving dinner given by my girlfriend's family. There was much bustle and I realized that I didn't have a shirt on. It seemed to be taking place in some kind of American Legion Hall. A woman I had once been involved with, but out of context here, was present and over-enthusiastic about seeing my daughter. I passed up an opportunity to get involved in a scheme to sell something for charitable purposes, but then was roped into another. It was selling hot red peppers. I was given some cash that I stuffed in my pocket, I guess to make change though there were 100-dollar bills. What I thought was going to be a short thing turned out to be a long term commitment, that was also taking me away from the feast. A small child with a British accent was trying to teach me a sales pitch that I couldn't possibly remember. I escaped the situation by waking up.


Leslie B. said...

I do not understand this dream at all but I laughed out loud.

You are at a required circus but unprepared (no shirt). I don't know.

Jonathan said...

I don't get it either. Theme is anxiety about taking on added responsibilities for which I am not suited and being part of an extended family that is not really completely mine.

Leslie B. said...

I wonder if it's just a particularly creative version of the beginning of semester anxiety dream.

I dreamed last night that I was visiting a colleague in the Appenines but they were in the Cascades, so you got the benefits of Italy plus the Pacific. It was very lush. I can't think of what it means unless it is a dream about the semester somehow.