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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Friday, February 21, 2020


I could present real-life waking experiences, or imagined experiences, and label them dreams. Then they would acquire that strangeness just by virtue of that label. I would have to choose them carefully, not overuse the technique. Dreams are not dull, but the fetish of the dream is dull, the gleefulness of it. A dream can be as banal as waking life. Waking life can be as strange as a dream.


I am often in the situation of suddenly realizing something for the first time that should have been obvious to me long before. That is a sign of intellectual growth and flexibility, though it can be "humbling" as well, because it means that there are many other obvious things I don't know yet.  I feel like saying "why did nobody tell me before..." But "they" might not know it either, or "they" might not know that I don't know.

So please tell me what I don't know yet?  Nobody can tell you that.

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