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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Dream of "Descent of Alette"

 I was in some kind of literary gathering. A person there, though supposedly connected somehow to NY School poetry, had never heard of Alice Notley's Descent of Alette. I approached this person and was mock-indignant. I happened to have my copy of it in my backpack and I brought it out and began to pontificate in a kind of obnoxious way about it. I pointed out that many people didn't like the quotation marks around every phrase, but that these had a prosodic effect, etc.... 


Thomas Basbøll said...

This is a great dream. I've never imagined you with a backback, though. Is that a dream thing or was it your everyday backpack?

Jonathan said...

It was my actual waking life backpack. I don't use it everyday, but I remember in the dream the book had been in it for a long time.