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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My rhythm

Right now, I am working 2-3 hours a day on writing, and producing 150-200 words in each hour. You string together a few days like that, and pretty soon you have a nice chunk of a chapter written. I am doing one hour at a time. Aside from that, I am listening to relevant music related to my project.  

I am also playing piano for about the same time:2-3 hours. Each hour I devote to a different task, usually playing walking bass-lines for the first hour.

I came up with a super-obvious idea yesterday. I was listening to PI, and I noticed what his melodies actually consisted of.  It is obvious, but I didn't actually make note of it until I asked myself the right questions.

Here is my productivity report for the past few days:

April 28, day 4 of not fucking around

Two hours of writing: 11,900 on flamenco chapter! 
Listened to podcast on Lorca and flamenco
Started to memorize “Postcard from a Volcano”  

Zen practice: 6:45 a.m. 

Piano: 3 hours!:  bass lines / I got Rhythm / OP exercise 2

April 27, day three of no fucking around  

Revised one section of preface / Flamenco chapter (2 hours) 11,300 words! 
listened to Amancio Prada music  & interview with him 
listened to Nuestro flamenco episodes on “Poesía de autor” and Miguel Hernández (2 hours)
Blog post 

Piano: 2 hours / OP exercise plus “I got rhythm”   

Rolling prairie / ran dishes / bought Starbucks stock 

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