I found this document on my computer while searching for something else. I would guess that the numbers refer to page # of Bly's translation of Machado. Some translations here might seem unubjetionable, but they add to up to an approach of flattening the language.
Bly vs Machado
he abierto muchas veredas / I have opened paths through brush 17
soberbios y melancólicos / angry and melancholy
[soberbios = haughty]
pedantones / academics
[pedantes = pedants, pedantones is the augmentative form]
tabernas / ordinary bars
gentes / men
[why make it gender specific?].
que no son amargas / not really serious 23
[amargas = bitter. The adverb "really" is just weak]
se eterno / cristal de leyenda // its eternal / fountain of story
[legend is a more marked term than "story"]
borrada la historia / the history lost
[erased is more vivid that "lost"
sobre la orilla vieja / here on the beach 29
[the image here is implicity the river Styx; there is not beach].
criptas hondas / deep vaults 31
y quimeras rosadas / and mythological beasts, rosy ones
[loss of specificity].
y las campanas suenan / bells are asleep 33
[Bly confuses the verb sonar (to sound) with soñar = to dream
but then confuses that with dormir = to sleep]
Crece en la plaza en sombra / el musgo 35
In the shady parts of the square, moss / is growing
nuestra sola cuita / our only concern 37
[cuita is an archaic, literary noun]
el agua cantaba / the water was composing 39
divino / religious
gran cantar / marvelous lines 41
los poetas míos / poets I admire
[my poets is more intimate]
Colmenares / ¿ya no labráis // have those beehives stopped 45
[Bly changes second person to third].
enjauladas / that were in cages
[wordy] 49
la voz querida / the voice I loved so much 51
[wordy; why not just the beloved voice?]
la mano amiga/ the hand that loved me
[same thing: the friendly hand]
tu pobre huerto / the garden entrusted to you 57
[your poor garden]
ni vagamente comprender siquiera / I don’t even have a general
understanding 65
estrella / guide
[stars can guide, but the image is less concrete]
el alma niña / the soul like a young woman 69
[wordy; uses a simile where the original is simply an adjective]
y la pequeña historia / and the history not long
Incomprensibles, mudas, /nada sabemos de las almas nuestras
We know nothing of our own souls / that are ununderstandable and say nothing
Tal vez la mano, en sueños / It’s possible that while sleeping the hand 71
[sueños = dreams, not just sleeping]
Gotas de sangre jacobina / A flow of leftist blood 83
[ Jacobins are more specific than leftists]
la mansion que habito / the house in which I live 85
[Machado shifts gears for an ironic effect: the mansion I inhabit]
cabalgando contigo a tus entrañas
ride with me, as far as I go, deep into you 87
quién sabe / lo que se traga la tierra
Is it certain / how much the earth actually eats 103
[actually? really? how weak].
Está el enigma grave / there is a third serious puzzle 107
[where does the "third" come from?]
la palabra / human language
[what's wrong with 'the word"].
junto a su tomate / next to his darling tomato 147
[reallly, what the fuck, the darling tomato?]
siempre al son que tocan bailan
When the sound is heard people dance 149
[people dance to the beat they hear, in other words,
they are conformist].
un corazón solitario / a heart that’s all by itself
it’s ok 151
es mejor soñar / then it’s better to be asleep dreaming 153
[Bly doesn't seem to get that soñar is dreaming]
y reposó, que bien lo merecía
and rested, which rest it certainly deserved 155
[those weak adverbs again]
rapaz / speedy 157
[rapaz = young man].
sent out for punishment to attack constantly
chopos de frío / cold poplars 165
a estos jardines de limonar /to these gardens with private lemons 167
[what the fuck are these private lemons?].