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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 My irritation is around the edges of things. I don't like the language being used nowadays. I don't like 


'of color'



the listing of pronouns in email signatures 

I don't like "-phobia"; homophobia is accepted usage, of course, but is fear the way we should define prejudice of other sorts?  

I don't like euphemisms or Orwellian newspeak / doublespeak. If you are cutting my salary, don't call it a "salary saving's plan." That makes it sound like I get to save money.  

1 comment:

Leslie B. said...

Fragility is a normal word, though?

I can't stand the others and I refuse to give pronouns. This is freakin' work, you don't get to be a gender fetishist!

I also cannot wait until they get back to saying "Poetry by John Donne" instead of the current "Poetry from John Donne."