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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Where did the day go? (an ongoing series)

Got up at 7:10. Coffee. Got to the office around 8:45.

Morning: Looked at Thomas's blog post on my "Mayhew's Duende." Famous in Denmark! (Thomas,I mean, not me. Well, maybe neither of us.) Worked on syllabus for second class, completed first draft of that while listening to Flamenco podcasts. Made a new folder of all my "refranero" stuff. Answered email from a scholar who had used my Lorca book in writing a chapter of her own book. Made a list of citations of my Lorca book apart from reviews. Blogged a little and read my two or three favorite blogs (you know who you are). Met with colleague about Barcelona program for about 15 minutes. Answered email from grad student. I realize I don't now who is on the grad committee of which I am chair! Aha, it's Unruh and Rivera. Good. I realized our graduate office support person has quit her job to take another one in the university and that will be a headache. Made list of things I have to be on top of in Graduate Studies.

Left office at 11:45. Mixture of course prep, research, study abroad, personal development, and emailing, and "thinking" about doing service. Moderate efficiency. A lot of small stuff keeps you busy without getting much done.

Afternoon: Had lunch, went to supermarket then home. Looked at an article sent to me as offprint by a really smart guy at Princeton. He even cites me. Slept and goofed off. Efficiency is low.

Around 4:48 I got a good idea: look at the enunciative situation of Lorca's poetry as key to everything. Who is speaking in his poetry? What is the subject there? [The grammatical subject of the 1st person singular, and the subject posiiton.] Work this somehow into introduction.

Evening: Went to meet some friends. Too cold to walk. Dinner.

Overall: One major thing accomplished: the syllabus.


Anonymous said...

When someone sends you offprints, do they typically send them via email (PDF), or do they send hard copies via snail mail?

Thinking about how I need to approach that staple of the profession myself (that no one really seems to discuss).

Jonathan said...

I still get print offprints from time to time. Especially from untenured people who might want me to write their tenure letters. It is a good idea. Then I am more likely to say yes because I have been following their careers and won't have to read everything by someone I have never heard of.

Sometimes I get pdfs too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jonathan!

I'm one of those untenured folks who will be looking to sr. scholars in my field for letters in the future. It's helpful to hear the perspective of someone in your position even though we're in different fields.