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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Sunday, July 31, 2016


Boxers and Robbers

The boxer trains for his fight like a caterer for a wedding

The robbers plan their heist for weeks,

as inconspicuous as caterers in their catering vans

The boxers are graceful running down the street

They will not hit you outside of gym or ring

Even a sparring partner has little to fear

The thieves are innocuous for most, save the target of their heist

You have more to fear from the Secret Police

They have planned their heist for the night of the prize fight

This is also the night of the wedding

I write a filmscript about this scenario but the studios are not interested

Our film industry has fallen on hard times


It is strange to translate a poet who has been heavily influenced by one's own poetic style, as is the case with me and Mateo Del Olmo. As a consequence, I cannot learn very much from translating his work, since I find only things that I might come up anyway. Oh, well.

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