The lute lies rusted in its green case
odor of pines is synthetic; sweeteners artificial; even salt!
our tongues crave something different
translators don't know languages; ignorant even of their own traditions
the policies of the state are greed, hate, ignorance
And my own work, what refuge can it offer
against the dull hell of other people's writing?
Projects half begun, never finished
Juvenile fantasies of jazz piano
And lipstick ladies?
Lame parodies of Pound's Confucianism
& worse
Addictions to self-improvement
And the memorization of Keats
Always under and overconfident at the same time
Even self-criticism inert, leading only
To more stupid bachelor breakfast tricks
False starts, sluggish or jerky
But amid sloppiness and incompetence
Something rising higher
Not even transcending what's below
That old sweet cadence
And what of the tunes that take shape under my fingers
as my sister loses speech, along with her own music
now calling everything music, even the rain flooding the yard
pointing it out urgently to me and saying the music
As though to compensate, preserve the symmetry of things
my brother and I started playing piano again
unknown to each other
There is no tone adequate here
clinical? certainly not lyrical
My flippancies fail me
And what of the sexual demon
the same at 55 as a 15?
And the wordless melodies under my fingers, where do they come from,
Why do they satisfy an itch in my brain?
Why won't words come along with them?
The correct terminology makes the landscape limpid
We can breathe, finally; as though things occupied their proper place
But the Lydian mode makes me think of Lydia Davis
The Dorian mode of Doric columns
The penumbra of words, like Clark Coolidge inviting you into private
Head-spaces, yet you accept that bargain, somehow
To live among those textures for a while
Stochastic is a word whose meaning is veiled for me
I've looked it up before, but it does no good
I know the definition will never "stick"
I imagine it as something thick, dark, and mysterious
Legerdemain as well, it might be the protocol for an arcane ritual?
Are these really even words, or the product of my own dreams?
Others know words, their meaning and origins
I must be content with their penumbra
Is that within the realm of the sudden?
I like to sleep in the sun like a lizard
But the sun is a Winter one and I am inside
But the sun is a Winter one and I am inside
There is no inside for the sun, though it enters
As I go under several times, then up
As I go under several times, then up
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