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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Thursday, April 22, 2021


 There's a new mental health buzzword, languishing, where you're not thriving but you're not in actual depression either. Of course, this will catch on because almost all of us have been feeling this for the past year--those who aren't doing worse than "languishing."  It's a brilliant label, you have to admit.  


Thomas Basbøll said...

Apropos of nothing...

"Languaging is a form of verbalization used to mediate the solution(s) to complex problems and tasks. It has been defined as “the process of making meaning and shaping knowledge and experience through language” (Swain, 2006, p. 89). It is part of the process of learning. In this article, we explore the process and product of languaging as it has to do with the learning of the grammatical concept of voice (active, passive, and middle) in French. We examine and analyze the amount and type of languaging produced by a small sample of university students as they struggle to understand the concept of voice, making their evolving understanding of the concept explicit through their talk."


Leslie B. said...

It's the year I stopped languishing, I think.