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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Dream of Colony

 There was some kind of writing colony or academic conference thing; there were many of us in a room together. The participants were not people I knew from real life, but in the dream they were sharply differentiated, with distinctive features. Men and women in about equal numbers. 

Gradually, I came to realize I was dreaming. At that point I knew I could do anything I wanted...  

The wealth of detail in this dream was extraordinary.  


Leslie B. said...

You are getting really good at dreaming, the ones below as well, the 1847 manuscript.

Jonathan said...

I don't know that dreaming can be something to be good at. It just sort of happens to you.

Leslie B. said...

I would say good is when you get that kind of clarity of detail. I also like some of the narratives, perhaps it is I who am good at dreaming.

I dreamed, when I had that contract on a book I did not agree with, that I wanted to take a shower but could not because César Vallejo's corpse was hanging in a body bag from the shower-head, and was so heavy I could not lift it off. I called a colleague to come over and help, and even with two of us, we could not.