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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Monday, August 7, 2023

Losing some weight

I'm losing some of 19 pounds of Covid weight. It wasn't 19 pounds, literally, more like going from 165ish to about 168 and threatening to go to 170. I don't remember my exact weight in 2019, but right now my mind thinks I should weigh 155 and my body thinks I should weigh 165. I'm down to 161 now, through not eating very much if any rice, potatoes, bread, pasta and similar foods. I eat oatmeal, but not every day. For point of reference, I am 68 inches tall, or five eight. I weighed 125 in 9th grade at my current height, and for a while just gained some weight every decade. The point at which I am overweight is just over 165. I am muscular but not overly so, so if I lose some fat and do more push-ups I will look good. I can do 40+. push-ups now. You can get nutrition from vegetables, fruit in moderation, and protein sources, so I can have steak and eggs with some sautéed green beans and tomatoes and do just fine. I subscribe to a vegetable farm pickup service and am buying directly from the farmers, whatever is in season. Eggplant parm is on the menu for this week, made with fresh tomatoes. 

1 comment:

Leslie B. said...

I have so much difficulty with organized exercise and find it cannot do what an active life can, anyway. With the weather here it is difficult not to be sedentary except when one is in one's workout, and it's not enough. I love being in cooler climates / higher altitudes for this reason