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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


 We were watching a movie, but so closely identified with the two main characters that we were actually experiencing the plot ourselves. We were investigating something and came to a building, entering we were told to make ourselves at home in the comfortable library down some stairs. We went down several flights. The architecture was cold and forbidding, and the staircases steep. At the bottom were a table of friendly people eating a meal. We wandered through the building, and gradually became aware of many people living there. The leader seemed to be this middle-aged woman with a German accent, who had superhuman strength. She easily carried up a 200-lb man up all of the stairs, with one hand, grabbing him by the belt. 

We were eventually assigned a chair; it seemed if we lived here longer we would get more space. The atmosphere was friendly, and meals were frequent. Now it seemed that the movie was a dystopian fiction, but nothing happened to confirm this: it was more a mood, but even then the mood among the denizens was a faux-cheer, like that experienced in a cult of some kind. The movie ended with an argument about when to leave. the male protagonist wanted to leave today (after breakfast) and the female companion wanted to stay. It was not clear that anyone could leave the compound. 

At this point the credits rolled. I noticed that it was based on a novel by Anne Rice, and directed by Isabel Allende. The title was Psyche. The genius of the film was that it never had to show anything menacing. It could end abruptly without anything ever happening. 


The dream ended. I woke up, fell asleep again, and entered the fictional world of the building. The movie was over, but somehow this was something that I could still access. I noticed the people used a euphemism for having sex: do you want to smear? At this point the dream has no more connection the original mood.      

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