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I am posting this as a benchmark, not because I think I'm playing very well yet.  The idea would be post a video every month for a ye...

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Sometimes the solution to a problem is simple. What obstructs our vision is a mistaken assumption in our minds. I could be searching for a book for a long time in my shelves, and think that the book's spine is a certain color. If I take away that preconception, then the book might appear to me.  

I could solve my problem with clutter by changing my attitude. What I see as a problem with clutter, outside of myself, is really a feature of my own mind: that I make faulty assumptions about what books or papers I will or will not need. The same goes for procrastination. I could make an assumption about how long something is going to take. If I think it will take 30 minutes, when it's actual duration is 3, then I might put it off. If I think it will take 30 minutes, and it actually takes 3 hours, then I will start to late and do a shoddy job.  

I can only reach an octave comfortably, and a ninth with some difficulty on the keyboard. I could think of this as a huge problem, or just an inconvenient fact that isn't going to get in my way at all. The person with huge hands who can reach a 10th won't worry about not reaching octaves. 

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